sketch journal

Beach Oracle

I drew this about twelve years ago at the beach. I wonder now what this boy was thinking as he was staring at the shell and if he ever got his questions answered.

Most adults look at kids and think they have a carefree existence where everything is better than anything an adult could be going through. But as a teacher, I’ve seen experience some tough situations. School and family can be enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone a nine year-old!

Kids need some time to decompress and de-stress too. In the USA, we’re about to enter a holiday weekend. Take some time to relax, and give your kids a chance to do so as well.

Boy stares thoughtfully at a sea shell

Business Cartoons

Hatching an Idea

Cartoon of a chicken and an executive

Cartoon of an executive and a chicken. The chicken says, “That’s a nice idea. Let it incubate and see what hatches.”

School Cartoons

Big Head

Cartoon of a teacher and a boy with a big head

Cartoon of a teacher and a student with a big head. The student says, “You’re a great teacher. In fact, you almost gave me too much information.”


Float Them Down the River

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, "But if they did it to Moses, why can't I float him down the river?"

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, “But if they did it to Moses, why can’t I float him down the river?”

Don’t try this at home, kids! I drew this for the May, 2012 edition of the Church of God Newsletter.


Gift for Mom

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

What do you get Mom for Mother’s Day? Lots of love and a sincere thanks is a good start. I better start practicing!