Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon holiday relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Traditional Turkey Trot

Cartoon of a wife and husband in a kitchen. The wife says, “We’€™re having a traditional Thanksgiving. Here’€™s a musket. The turkey is in the backyard.” It’s Thanksgiving week in the USA. Time to figure out how to get that turkey with all the trimmings. I’ve never shot a turkey, nor have I had the […]

Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Superstition

Rumor has it that turkeys have a superstition about pumpkin pie. If they eat in on the dawn of All Saints Day, they will have good luck and avoid the fate of other Tom’s on Thanksgiving. How do I know this? A little birdie told me. Speartoons are examples of my sketches and cartoons Please […]

children cartoons Illustration Friday

IF: Invention

This week’s theme at Illustration Friday is “invention.” When I was at my mom’s for Thanksgiving, I saw a picture of me and my mom when I was a toddler. The next thing I knew, I heard “Necessity is the mother of invention.” So now you’ve met invention and his mom! Speartoons are examples of […]


1 Peter 1:13-15

I did this devotional this morning while I was waiting for everyone to get ready for Thanksgiving. It’s a good thing for me to remember as I go through the fun of a holiday weekend and the start of the Christmas season. 1 Peter is full of such good stuff. You can tell Peter had […]