When I drew this cartoon, I had a senior in high school and an eighth-grader. In recent weeks, I have thought about how I would have handled this crisis if it happened nine years ago. I ache for the seniors that have had their final year in high school or college flipped upside down.
Parents, I know you are facing challenges that are unprecedented. I can’t say I know exactly how it feels, because who has faced parenting under these circumstances? The closest thing I can relate to it is a midwestern winter that caused our kids to miss more than a week of school. Yes, I know it’s worse for this group of kids and parents!
Encouraging Words for Parents
It’s okay to let your kids watch some television. After all, this has been a tough time to be a parent. some of you have had to figure out how to work from home while homeschooling your kids. School districts realize this has been a challenge. Some have given up on remote learning for the rest of the year. Parents with more than one child have to be overwhelmed.
It’s okay to admit you are overwhelmed. You are not alone. Millions of families are going through the same struggle. We will all learn from it and be prepared for the fall. In the meantime, give yourself some grace. If school professionals are overwhelmed, you have permission to be as well.
Your kids may have spent a lot of time staring at screens. If they aren’t in front of it for learning, it may be the closest, most convenient entertainment. That’s okay. Give yourself some grace if you think they’ve had too much screen time. There will always be tomorrow. Acknowledge that today is done and you can plan for screen-free activities the next day.
Know that if you are frustrated and overwhelmed, your kids are too. Some are missing their friends. Others are mourning the abrupt end to the school year or their high school years. Give your kids the time and space to grieve. Yet also help them see they do have a future beyond this.
And if your child tries to compare you to a TV Mom or Dad, you can safely remind them that none of those one-dimensional parents had to deal with a pandemic. It’s apples and oranges my friends. Be encouraged. This crisis will one day end.