Last night, my wife and I pondered how we would have handled this lock-down ten, fifteen, even twenty years ago. We were discussing this because of a news segment about the challenges of parenting when the entire family is quarantined. It can be very frustrating to love on your kids when they are underfoot all day, you are making sure they are doing their school work and you have your own work to do. It is overwhelming.
There will be times when you will be frustrated and you will feel like you are in the middle of a parental fail. It can be even more frustrating when the former coping mechanisms you had involved getting out of the house and doing something in a social setting. Today’s challenges require some new coping strategies. Some ways to cope include:
- Be sure to set consistent bedtimes with your kids
- Sure, this can be very difficult for teens. They need some autonomy, while you both need a break from each other. Find some ways to give both of you some space in the evenings.
- Set aside time before or after the kids’ bedtimes to have time for yourself and for your spouse.
- Make bedtime a part of your routine so there is some normalcy and control in this chaotic time.
- Be realistic about what is possible to do during this time
- Nobody can be a super-parent for long. Give yourself grace.
- Work is simply different when it’s done remotely. Realize productivity is going to be different.
- Your relationship with your children is more important than getting everything done on a task list.
- Take some time to play with your kids
- It will benefit parent and child
- It will relieve some stress
- This will be the memory makers that will outlive this pandemic
- Call or connect with a friend who has kids your age. It will help you remember you are not alone in this.
You can make it through this, parents. It takes patience some humility and a willingness to learn and be flexible. I am rooting for you.