My it’s been a hard time for huggers if they venture out into the world! COVID has made hugging a threatening gesture in some circles. This will become more awkward as people get vaccinated and feel they’re good to go. I thought about that when I drew this cartoon.
It can get even more unpredictable when you’re dealing with kids. Spontaneous hugs go with the territory. How are you going to tell a four-year old to refrain from a hug?
I am thankful for the huggers in my life. But I’ve never been one of them. Hugging was already a challenging activity before the last year hit. Elbow bumps and air-high-fives have been the greeting of choice for an introvert like me for some time. I feel for the huggers. It’s a tough time for them!

I drew this cartoon for the January 2021 CHOGNews.