
In the Water

Cartoon of a boy and a shark. The shark says, “Hey, Buddy! Let me know when you’re going to get in the water, okay?”

I read an article today about shark attacks in Australia. It reminded me of stories where authorities cautioned people to stay out of the water during sunup or sundown. It made me think about sharks that are so obnoxious, they could ask for a heads up from unsuspecting individuals.

If a shark speaks to you, run the other way!

I thought this would also work for Illustration Friday’s word for this week. It’s “scary.”

children cartoons illustration Illustration Friday

Animal Encounter

Illustration of a boy in safari gear. He spots a dog in the bushes.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “safari.”

Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon gag cartoon relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

A Duck’s Dream

Cartoon of two ducks. One says, “Why can’t you support my dream of moving to the desert?”

Happy birthday to a lady who has put up with my crazy dreams over the years. Don’t worry, Honey, we’re not moving to the desert.

Adobe Illustrator animal cartoons cartoon Easter gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Weird Easter

Cartoon of two birds staring at an Easter egg. One says, “Just when the story couldn’t get any weirder, they claim an Easter bunny brought it.”

One of my most memorable Easter memories was the day we found the missing Easter egg. The Easter that spring was a wet one. Mom decided we would have the Easter egg hunt in the house. She carefully hid her real, hard-boiled Easter eggs around the house. I was too old for the search, so I watched my little sisters scurry all over the house in search of the prizes.

About six months later, it was another cold, wet day. I was assigned the task to retrieve our collie dog from behind the couch so she could take care of outdoor business. As I reached back to retrieve the reluctant pooch, I felt something cold, yet hard. At first, I was relieved it wasn’t the open snout of our dog. Then I felt queasy. I found the last Easter egg.

Too bad I didn’t keep my mouth shut. It would have come in quite handy for the upcoming Halloween season.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon illustration Illustration Friday seasons single panel cartoon webcomic

Icy Reverse

Cartoon of a man and his dog. They are trying to go up an icy hill, to no avail. I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “reverse.”

There’s been a lot of ice in Indiana lately. This week, I’ll be pleased if I merely slide in reverse instead of crashing onto my derriere.