
Away in a manger, and what’s all that noise?

Cartoon of a nativity scene with a cow and donkey. The cow says, “Nonesense, my dear Donkey! It wasn’t my lowing, but your braying that woke the poor baby!

Away in a Manger is one of my favorite Christmas carols, but it takes so many liberties with the Christmas story. Do stars really look? was there hay in the manger? and there are no details about the livestock in attendance. 

I think the cow has a point. If you ever heard a donkey bray, you know it would be hard to sleep through that. Then again, the lyrics flow as it is. Who wants to sing about a braying donkey? I’ll leave it as is.

cartoon Christmas holiday

The Incredible Floating Christmas Tree

Cartoon of two fish staring at a tree. One say, "Every Christmas, it's the same thing. When will they make a Christmas tree that won't float?"

Christmas trees can be one of those traditions that can cause disasters. Is it too big, too short, too full, or too sparse? Did your family always do a real tree or is artificial the way to go because of all the sap and clean up?

And don’t even get aquatic creatures started on the hassles of getting a tree. You just can’t keep one in an aquarium without weighing it down with a ton of lead garland!