
The Weight of Worry

I’m a professional worrier. I worry about my kids. I worry about the world my future grandkids may one day inherit. I worry too much about finances, climate, politics, and if we have enough of the vital things like popcorn in the cupboard and ice cream in the freezer. 

I come from a long line of worriers. I remember riding with my grandmother to pick up my grandfather from a trip. He was on a tour bus. The whole time, she was fretting that the bus could be in a fatal accident, that he possibly didn’t make the bus (it was long before cell phones), that she didn’t get the address to the pickup up site right. By the time she got all of her worries out, I was a nervous wreck and Grandpa was right there with group, waiting for us.

There have been times in my life when I’ve felt like the two goldfish in my illustration. I just know the bowl is going to burst any moment and I’ll be clinging for life. Can anybody relate?

Two goldfish look worried as they see their bowl is cracked

Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

Proverbs 12:25 (NLT)

This proverb reminds me of what a comfort it is to give a word of encouragement. It can be easy to get discouraged by all the bad news and the prophets of doom. But an encouraging word lightens my load. It lets me see how silly my worries can be. An encouraging word gives me hope and reminds me that the vast majority of things I worry about never happen.

This is why I have decided to blog daily. Tomorrow, I will have blogged daily for three months. I hope if you have followed along, you have been encouraged along the way.

So be encouraged, my friend! Things aren’t as bad as they seem. At the very least, you don’t live in a cracked fish bowl!

cartoon Christmas holiday

The Incredible Floating Christmas Tree

Cartoon of two fish staring at a tree. One say, "Every Christmas, it's the same thing. When will they make a Christmas tree that won't float?"

Christmas trees can be one of those traditions that can cause disasters. Is it too big, too short, too full, or too sparse? Did your family always do a real tree or is artificial the way to go because of all the sap and clean up?

And don’t even get aquatic creatures started on the hassles of getting a tree. You just can’t keep one in an aquarium without weighing it down with a ton of lead garland!

animal cartoons cartoon pet cartoons

Giving Tuesday Surprises

Cartoon of a dog and cat. The dog says, “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you donated to a dog rescue organization.”Welcome to Giving Tuesday! This has nothing to do with the cartoon, but if you’re looking for a great organization to give to today, I recommend a place I’ve worked for. Elizabeth’s New Life Center in Dayton helps families make godly life choices. 

There are, of course, many organizations that can use our help. If you favor another cause, be sure to make a difference today.

church cartoons

The Hazards of Church Bats and Squirrels

cartoon of a janitor with a squirrel on his head. He says, “We don’t have bats in the belfry. But we may have squirrels in the attic.”Janitor says, “We don’t have bats in the belfry. But we may have squirrels in the attic.”

Maintenance issues abound at churches, especially the older ones. I never attended a church that had a belfry. But I wish I did so I could say at least once there were bats in the belfry. It seems squirrels in the attic would create an equally erratic outcome.

I drew this for the April 2017 Church of God CHOGNews.