
Disappointments and Experiences

Every one of us go through hard times. It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are, famous or obscure, talented, or believe you have nothing to offer the world. Every one of us go through situations we’d rather not endure. When those times come, how do you view them?

Some name it disappointment and become poorer, others name it experience and become richer.

Siegmund Warburg

You can see the hard times as a great teacher or a harsh punisher. They can be the secret to your success or the excuse for continued failures. Two people can go through the same situation and react in opposite ways.

Whatever you are going through today, ask yourself:

  • What can I learn from this?
  • What does this make possible?
  • What will it look like in the future when I have overcome this?

May today’s double trouble be your double portion of success in the future.

Cartoon of a mom and two boys

Start Small to Achieve Big Things

My featured cartoon reminds me that one person’s challenge is a cinch to another. After a few decades of birthdays, I have no problem with facing another. But I remember how overwhelming that first birthday party was for my kids. It was quite the big deal! They acted as if it was their first debut to the entire world!

If you are doing anything of value, if you are working with people, things or ideas today, if you are growing at all, you will be under some pressure. How do you build yourself up so that when the big pressures come you are ready?

I began to write this blog daily because I wanted to hone my writing skills. I enjoy writing. If I want to tackle larger projects later, it’s good to keep writing daily and consistently.

I learned to do this when I trained for half-marathons and my first marathon. In order to run 26.2 miles, you need to start small and work your miles up. Eventually, I worked up to the goal.

You may have a goal or a challenge that is facing you today. It may seem too insurmountable to conquer. Start out by taking on the small challenge. Work yourself up to the larger one. One day, you may be surprised how far you have come.

children's ministry children's ministry cartoons

A Clean, Janitor-Free Dream

Cartoon of two women having coffee. One says, "I have a dream. One day, our children's ministry will skip a whole day without calling for janitor backup."
Copyright ©2017 Kevin Spear & Kidzmatter Magazine

True story: I was a church janitor once. Actually, I was a teen church janitor for over two years. When your grandfather is the pastor and your father is the Maintenance Supervisor you get those kinds of perks. I have maintenance supervisor in italics because it was a small church, Dad was a volunteer and he had the job because no one else was available on a Saturday morning and Grandpa trusted him with the keys. (My brother and I must be the only church janitors in modern history that never had an impressive set of keys.)

holiday motivation

Happy New Year, 2017!

Happy 2017! We do not know what the next year will bring. But we do know every era had its challenges as well as opportunities. Many are both. For every challenge brings opportunity.

This year, I resolve to find each opportunity, to continue to learn, innovate and communicate. In short, I will continue to improve. May your new year be your best yet!

Attitude Motivation Cartoons

When Life Pitches you a Curveball

sketch of a baseball doing a lool de loop 

I didn’t expect to be in Ohio/Indiana until Christmas day. But life throws you a few curveballs throughout the innings we call decades. There’s a few too many metaphors in that last sentence, isn’t there? I’m not even a rabid baseball fan (However, I did love the way this year’s World Series ended. Good job, Royals!). 

Last Friday, we thought we were going to lose a loved one. Today, things have improved greatly for him. It has made this Thanksgiving so much more meaningful. However, we have also been reminded that time is finite and we can’t take every day for granted.

Through the last several months, I’ve learned there are a few ways to cope when life throws you a curveball.

  • Be flexible: we are far less in control than any of us would like to admit. Changes will happen that you can’t predict or plan for. When unexpected blessings or trials come, be flexible enough to move with the situation.
  • Count your blessings: No matter how dire things may seem, there is always something to be thankful for. Whether it’s family, the ability to move, or even another day to experience life, there is some reason to have gratitude.
  • Plan for what you CAN do: It is good to talk with loved ones about what to do in an emergency or a challenge. Have insurance. Think about what to do in a scanario. It is also good to have a winter coat waiting for you when you fly from Arziona to Ohio. Is that too specific? Choose your own scenario. 

We will all face some unexpected challenges. Through those situations, be an overcomer. Don’t let those curveballs strike you out! I’m rooting for you!