Attitude cartoon motivation

Why change is so hard

There are very few of us that embrace change. We know that it makes people nervous and frustrated. Article after article affirms that. Yet if we’re honest, we will admit it is inevitable. Just why is change so hard?

Spear 3974

When I sketched this idea, I observed people about twenty years older than me resisting texting. Nine years later, many of that generation has accepted texting as just another form of communication. Time marches on!

Change is a deceptively difficult thing. We have no problem finding reasons that it is so. Even when everyone agrees changes need to be made, reform is hard. People may disagree on why and how the alterations need to be made. They may even disagree how much and how sweeping a change needs to be. It just isn’t an easy thing!


Know What to Change While Persisting

I’ve been listening to an audiobook entitled No More Dreaded Mondays by Dan Miller.

In it, he talks about firing yourself. That’s right! He talks about knowing when to stick with something and when to move on. He’s helped me realize that perseverance and resilience are far more nuanced. There is a time for change during certain points in our lives. Yet, change doesn’t mean I am giving up in general. Many times, businesses do not work. But an astute businessperson can modify, switch and start a new business that is more successful and profitable.

This week, my wife is winding down her current position as a children’s pastor. I am excited to see what is coming because this has been several months in the making. We don’t know what is ahead for her, but we know that her journey isn’t over. She felt led to step out of her current role and identity because she is being called to a new ministry. In effect, she fired herself so she could investigate that new, upcoming, unknown role.

Dan Miller’s book has been a confirmation for me that she is making a wise, discerning choice. We shall see in the new year what that brings to her and me.

Cartoon of a boy in a magician's costume and a duck. The boy says, "I'm sorry, Sis! I didn't mean to change you into a duck. I meant to turn you into a dog!"

One thing we do know, it doesn’t involve magic tricks and nobody is changing anyone into a duck or a dog. So be encouraged!


Can an old dog, or a new kid change?


Kids can be just as stubborn as older adults when it comes to change. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, change can be difficult!

Too often, adults know a change is coming, but figure kids will be able to deal with it because they are young. The truth is, every individual involved in a change needs to be informed and listened to, whether it’s the youngest or oldest member of a group.

So if a change is coming and it affects children, remember to be considerate of them and keep them informed in an age appropriate way. They have more in common with old dogs when it comes to teaching new tricks.