cartoon children cartoons

Facing Your fears

Rough sketch of a girl and a monster who is eating someone. The girl says, "You see that, Roger? That's why I don't like facing my fears."

When it comes to facing your fears, it can be tough to let people see you as vulnerable and in a rough state, like this old sketch.

When I originally posted this, I thought I’d take one of my roughs out of my sketchbook. Is it facing my fears of showing my rough lines in all its glory? Perhaps. I did a lot of sketching then but didn’t have much time to create polished artwork unless I could invoice it.

Bible motivation Numbers

It’s Always Too Early to Quit

This morning, I was reading in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 14. Twelve spies reported on the Promised Land. Ten of the two gave a discouraging report. The other two knew it’s always too early to quit.

Have you received some discouraging news? Are you having trouble seeing the opportunity in your challenges? Take heart and remember this quote from Norman Vicent Peale:

It’s always too early to quit.

Norman Vincent Peale

You may say, “But you don’t understand what is going on in my life!” And you may be right. I have had some mishaps and disappointments in my life. And I certainly haven’t experienced everything you have.

But of course, you don’t know everything about my life either. However, we can agree that life can be as messy as a stinky diaper. There are some things that we can control, and other situations we just have to ride out.

high tech diaper pail
Life can be as messy as a stinky diaper

There have been times I have had to sigh and remind myself that God is in control, and I am not. But that doesn’t give me a reason to just give up. I remind myself it is best if I give to God what I can’t control while taking care of what I can.

I’ll admit it is a very delicate dance. If we are controlling others, that doesn’t help. But if we take care of matters we can control and have peace about the people and situations we can’t, we will eventually see a much better outcome.

Therefore, it is always too early for me to quit. And it is for you as well. Just because babies keep producing messy diapers, doesn’t mean we should just give up changing them. Young parents can take solace that one day, junior will be potty-trained and the mess will be a memory.

In the same way, just because we are facing messy situations today, doesn’t mean we should just give up. Change what we can, have peace about what we can’t, and pray for the wisdom to know the difference.


Know What to Change While Persisting

I’ve been listening to an audiobook entitled No More Dreaded Mondays by Dan Miller.

In it, he talks about firing yourself. That’s right! He talks about knowing when to stick with something and when to move on. He’s helped me realize that perseverance and resilience are far more nuanced. There is a time for change during certain points in our lives. Yet, change doesn’t mean I am giving up in general. Many times, businesses do not work. But an astute businessperson can modify, switch and start a new business that is more successful and profitable.

This week, my wife is winding down her current position as a children’s pastor. I am excited to see what is coming because this has been several months in the making. We don’t know what is ahead for her, but we know that her journey isn’t over. She felt led to step out of her current role and identity because she is being called to a new ministry. In effect, she fired herself so she could investigate that new, upcoming, unknown role.

Dan Miller’s book has been a confirmation for me that she is making a wise, discerning choice. We shall see in the new year what that brings to her and me.

Cartoon of a boy in a magician's costume and a duck. The boy says, "I'm sorry, Sis! I didn't mean to change you into a duck. I meant to turn you into a dog!"

One thing we do know, it doesn’t involve magic tricks and nobody is changing anyone into a duck or a dog. So be encouraged!


Constraints Can Make You More Creative

From Fast Company:Brainstorming, thinking outside the box, working with free reign on a project–they’re old creativity maxims, but how well do they really work?

— Read on

Last night, I had a cartoon to draw. My old laptop is showing it’s age. It’s slow. I upgraded the system software and now it won’t play nice with my old drawing tablet. I may have chucked it all in if I didn’t need to send a cartoon out.

Cartoon of two boys at a painting. One boy says, "It's my finest work. I call it, 'Clean Your Room!'"

Then I remembered the article from Fast Company. I smiled when I read it because my high school graphic design teacher always proclaimed to the class, Limitation is the Basis of all Creativity! It’s the constraints that cause us to think in creative ways.

Of course, that doesn’t work if you see constraints as obstacles that cannot be overcome. Each time we face a problem, we can rationalize why things won’t work, or we can get creative and find a solution perhaps no one has thought of before.

Every challenge, every constraint gives us an opportunity to think creatively. Look at those limitations as an opportunity to think outside of the box.

Attitude Purpose

Running in the rain makes you resilient… or crazy 

Nighttime photo of the Greenville, Ohio traffic circle.Just after I took this photo, the rain came down. I knew it was coming. The weather app warned me. But I was happy. I was hoping to make it to this point before the shower. Thankfully, the lightning didn’t show up until I was nearly done. By the time I finished I was drenched.

In the past, a dear family member or two would call me crazy for running in inclement weather. Friends usually say nothing but give me that look as if I had sniffed too much rubber cement in my early graphic design days.