cartoon children cartoons

A Block of Mercy Cartoon

Daily, we are tempted to react and get revenge for those that are rude, crude, and just plain mean. Like the boy in this “block of mercy” cartoon, we want to get even before we think of forgiveness.

Block of Mercy Cartoon. A boy says, "Can I sho mercy to Kenny after I knock his block off?"

Mercy can be hard, can’t it? It’s especially hard with siblings. The only time siblings feel like giving mercy is when they are the ones in need of it. Just ask my siblings. I got much more mercy than I deserve. Wait a minute… you can’t earn mercy, can you? Because if it is deserved, it isn’t mercy.

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Camp Safety Cartoon

Welcome to Camp Watchdalake. Where it isn’t camp until somebody falls into the lake! It gives us a chance to enjoy this camp safety cartoon.

Camp safety cartoon: A boy says, "Oh well. It's not camp until somebody falls into the lake."

For children, camp may be the first time when they have the opportunity to test their independence and see what happens when they test the limits of good sense. So safety can be an issue for some kids.

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Veterinary Hazards Cartoon

Every workplace has safety considerations. This veterinary hazards cartoon illustrates a potential challenge when vets care for pets.

Veterinary Hazards Cartoon. A boy says, "The problem with having a piranha is it's hard to find a willing veterinarian."

Apparently, animal-inflicted injuries are only part of the hazards a veterinarian faces. Here is a list of the top five hazards veterinary staff face. The one that surprised me is back injuries. But of course, pets can be a squirming, uncooperative challenge. At least you wouldn’t have that problem with a piranha!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon recreation Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon vacation webcomic

Packed for VBS Cartoon

Since the first word of VBS suggests we’re going on a vacation. I had some fun with the ideas and drew this Packed for VBS cartoon.

Packed for VBS Cartoon: A boy says, "Thanks for inviting me to vacation Bible school. I'm all packed!'

When you think about it, vacation Bible school is false advertising. After all, shouldn’t it be called staycation Bible school? This isn’t an all-inclusive vacation to Cancun. We can try to use props to make the sanctuary look like a jungle or the Holy Land. But we’re not fooling anyone over six years old.

cartoon children cartoons

Authenticity Cartoon

Who likes a fake? Nobody wants to be known as someone you can’t trust. A stroll through a store one day inspired this authenticity cartoon.

Authenticity Cartoon: A boy says, "I've been looking for authenticity. So far, all I know is it isn't in any discount department stores."

Every time I go to a department store, I wonder how many people are looking for something that just isn’t in all those goods. You know, things like love, peace, and authenticity. After all, money can’t buy love.