cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon love

Cartoon: Love and Chips

Cartoon of two boys eating. One says, “You can’t find love in a bag of chips. But chips and salsa come close.”

You guessed it. Chips and salsa are one of my favorite foods. Don’t worry, though. It just can’t compete with real love.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

cartoon children cartoons School Cartoons

Cartoon: Prepped for school

Cartoon of two students. One says, “I’m all ready for school. I have my lunch, number two pencils and an updated résumé!”

I wasn’t the hyper-prepared student in school. I was the one praying the teacher wouldn’t call on me. It’s not that I didn’t know the answer. I just didn’t want to die of embarrassment when my voice would squeak like a mouse who just inhaled helium.

This cartoon is copyrighted. Please ask before using it and I can provide a watermark free image.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday School Cartoons

Wrapped Up in Apologies

Student Apologies, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon: Student says to teacher, “For anything I may do this school year, I’d like to offer a blanket apology.”

Also works for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “wrapped.” This guy is wrapped up in getting his apologies out of the way first. There’s a few sports figures and politicians that could learn from that. Just apologize in advance when you’re elected or get that multi-million dollar contract.

Please ask before using this cartoon. I can provide a watermarked free image upon request.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3

cartoon children cartoons

Cartoon: A boring summer

Cartoon of two boys. One says to the other, “What a boring summer! Not one of us has had a trip to the emergency room.”

When you’re a kid, you get discouraged because nothing exciting happened all summer. When you’re a parent, you’re praying nothing exciting happens to the kids all summer. Excitement can be quite expensive
It’s hard to believe it’s almost time for school. Let the excitement begin!
cartoon children cartoons relationship cartoons

Cartoon: Tastes in television

Cartoon of girl and teddy bear. Girl says “I don’t like your taste in television.”

I wonder what the bear wants to watch? The obvious choice would be “Animal Planet.” Then again, maybe he’s a Sponge Bob fan.

You know it’s getting close to the end of a school break when kids argue with even inanimate objects. If the object brings the kid to tears, then you know it’s time for a nice, family walk around the neighborhood.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2