
Caught in the Entitlement Trap

It’s way too easy to get caught in the entitlement trap. After all, we’ve worked throughout our lives. We deserve a raise or special recognition, right? We’ve always had that benefit or this perk. Why shouldn’t we keep receiving it?

But the challenge with that mode of thinking is believing we can rest on past accomplishments. We deceive ourselves into thinking what got us here should be what keeps us here. In short, we get a little lazy and stop striving to be better. It reminds me of this proverb:

Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬
cartoon children cartoons Christmas holiday

Christmas Competition

Cartoon of Santa and a boy. Santa Claus says, “It’s not a competition. And no, I won’t tell you what Bobby is getting.”Most kids aren’t as brash as this little guy. But this time of year, it gets easy to compare and wonder if Bobby is getting as much or more than the rest of us.

However, Christmas is not a competition. The only way to experience it with joy is to remember the first Christmas gift. After that first gift, nothing else comes close.

cartoon children cartoons

Temptation Surplus Disorder

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “My problem is that I have TSD. I have a Temptation Surplus Disorder.”

There is no shortage of temptation, especially around this time of year. There is plenty of food to enjoy, kids’ shows are bombarded with toy commercials and as it gets colder, it feels good to just relax and skip some activity. 

Be brave, my friend! We all have TSD this time of year. Combat it with a little discipline and push through to resolution time at the beginning of next year!