cartoon children cartoons Christmas holiday

Christmas Competition

Cartoon of Santa and a boy. Santa Claus says, “It’s not a competition. And no, I won’t tell you what Bobby is getting.”Most kids aren’t as brash as this little guy. But this time of year, it gets easy to compare and wonder if Bobby is getting as much or more than the rest of us.

However, Christmas is not a competition. The only way to experience it with joy is to remember the first Christmas gift. After that first gift, nothing else comes close.

cartoon Sport Cartoons

Was it REALLY a good game?

Cartoon of two soccer players. One is beaten up. The other holds out his hand and says, "Good game!"One of the best moments in sports is when competitors shake hands after a hard-fought game. Sportsmanship is what makes games great. Whenever I see a player take things too personally, the fun goes right out of the game for me.

Who knows which player was on the winning team in this cartoon. What matters is that when you have played a challenging game, you leave your aggression on the field, pick yourself up and make a friend or two on the opposing team. When that happens, no matter who won, it really is a good game!

baby children cartoons children's ministry cartoons

When is too Early for Traveling Sports Teams?

Cartoon of two babies. One says, “As soon as I can walk, my parents want me on a traveling soccer team.”
Copyright © Kidzmatter and Kevin Spear

 When I drew this cartoon I was thinking about the pressure to perform that some kids face. I am not from a sports-minded family and I probably passed that same lack of interest on to my kids. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in competition. It’s just that there weren’t very many traveling art competitions and ultra competitive writing conferences at my elementary school. (sure, there were spelling bees. I never made it past “pneumonia.”)

children's ministry cartoons

Are you in another tweet war?

Cartoon of an angry woman on a smart phone
Copyright 2014: Speartoons, Inc.

Cartoon of a man observing an angry woman on a smart phone. The man says, “Are you in another tweet war with the cross-town church about who will have the better kick-off?”

I drew this for Kidzmatter Magazine.


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