CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Frozen Church Greeter | Cartoon

Cartoon of a man saying to a snowman, "You're doing great, but I don't see you on the greeter volunteer list."

The best volunteers show up in the most unexpected places. I am not saying snowmen make the best greeters. After all, their verbal skills leave a lot to be desired. But they do have two attributes every greeter needs; be present and smile. 

When I came up with this idea, I thought of all the hard working greeters that brave the elements over the winter. They do their best to make a visitor feel welcome. They make us feel warm on the inside even though they are freezing in the doorway. 

Let’s give credit to all the church greeters who brave the winter elements to make everyone feel welcomed.

I drew this cartoon for the “January 2017 Church of God Newsletter.”

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

I Gave Online t-shirt

cartoon of a guy in church. An offering plate is being handed to him. The guy has a t-shirt that says,
© 2015 Kevin Spear

It’s fun when tradition collides with technology! For a few months, I’ve been using my bank’s web payment to pay my tithes and offerings. Why not? I’ve paid all my other bills that way for years. I didn’t expect the feeling of guilt when the offering plate came around even when I knew perfectly well I was giving.

So how do you combat that feeling when someone gives online? You can’t put your smart phone in the offering plate. Printing out a receipt seems tacky. If you wave it off and say, “I gave online,” you’re only calling attention to yourself and sound pretentious. Oh, the dilemmas!

A t-shirt would solve all the awkward exchanges. All the church has to do is pass them out in the back before the service. You can make them big enough to fit over any outfit. And if you decorate your church for the season, you can make them match colors for Lent and Advent!

I drew this cartoon for the July CHOGNews.


children cartoons Christmas holiday

Why Christmas plays are hard work

Cartoon of a boy in a shepherd costume and a teacher at a Christmas play


Cartoon of a boy in a shepherd costume and a teacher. The boy says, “You call this a Christmas play? There is no playground and you’re putting us to work!”

I am a big fan of A Charlie Brown Christmas. We’re the same age. We both came to this world in 1965. I’ve been in my share of Christmas plays and they always seemed as chaotic as the one Charlie Brown is directing. And I’ve always been tempted to break out of character and just dance in the middle of the play.

Christmas plays are hard work because you have to act A LOT when you’re in one. You have to pretend that boy who you know is a practical joker is Joseph. You have to pretend the girl who kicked you in the shins during recess is Mary. Then YOU have to pretend you are somber and just seen a platoon of angels when you know full well it was the Smith triplets in bath robes.

Christmas plays are also hard work because we can’t get our head around the notion God came to Earth as a baby to a poor family and was born in a barn. Lets face it. If we were God, WE wouldn’t want to be born in a barn and we’d want more than some smelly shepherds to visit us that first night.

Those Christmas plays are just hard work!