Christianity motivation

Two churches from two cultures make a huge impact

I had the pleasure of interviewing two pastors that are making a big impact in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

What impressed me about these two churches is how they work together. Cooperation is a big skill that pays big dividends. But it seems like our world attempts to keep us all from cooperating. Therefore, you don’t have to look far to find news about someone who refuses to work with others. Stalemates and quagmires seem to be preferable to getting anything done. It can feel like the world is in a hostile takeover.

However, progress and solutions require negotiations and compromise. It’s how teams are formed and do anything effective. As a result, it requires some trade-offs. The temptation, and the shortcut, is to surround ourselves with people who look like us, think like us and act like us. There is comfort in being around like-minded individuals. But the problem with that comfort is we tend to gravitate towards group think. Diversity is essential to get anything done.

Likewise, diversity and compromise essential in marriages. I am glad I didn’t marry someone who was just like me. I have learned much from my wife over the years. And I think she’s learned a thing or two from me.

Yes, two churches from different cultures can make a big impact. We can learn a thing or two from their example.


Article: Barryton, MI Church Changing the Story

I had the pleasure of interviewing a pastor and his wife about a Michigan church that helped their school during COVID and how churches make a difference.

Barryton Church of God in Michigan changes the story by helping their local elementary school during the COVID-19 crisis

Here is a link to a PDF of the article.

The church is making a difference by working with what they have and where they are at. Gerald Rosely is the pastor at the church. His wife, Veronica, noticed there were some teachers and school administrators that attended the church.

Before COVID-19 affected the community, Veronica had begun a ministry with the Barryton, Michigan elementary school. When everything changed in 2020, she realized the church needed even more help and sprung into action.

I love how this church is reaching out and making a difference instead of turning inward. It is a great example of how we can all make a positive impact if we open our eyes and see what needs are in our own communities.

Churches really do make a difference!

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

How can you virtually deliver a sermon?

Churches have enough challenges these days. One of the many obstacles has been how to virtually deliver a sermon to congregants who are staying home. COVID-19 has made life and ministry quite interesting!

Pastors and churches have found some incredible, creative ways to get their sermons out. Some have made use of Facebook Live while others have used YouTube. Others have polished up their web sites and made them more user-friendly. One great thing about these challenges is it has brought about innovation. We have all learned to use technology in ways we never would have dreamed of this time last year.

One of my goals for the coming year is to help pastors and Christian leaders use the Internet and social media more effectively. This continues to be the way many people get their information. Google has become the oracle many turn to. After all, when we have a question, how many of us type that question into Google to see what the results bring?

When it comes to public speaking and sermons, pastors are great communicators. However, it’s a totally different communication method to distill a sermon into a tweet, Facebook post, or blog. But since search engines depend on text, it is a vital part of today’s effective communication.

I feel for the church as it faces more challenges in the coming weeks. COVID-19 cases continue to climb as we get ready for Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas. November 2020 is beginning to feel a lot like March 2020. What will Christmas look like this year? Are all of the events canceled? Should they be?

We can still give thanks even when the event doesn’t look like it normally does. We can still celebrate and commemorate Christmas even though the annual choir extravaganza has been canceled. The holidays are about more than events.

I drew this cartoon for the November 2020 CHOGNews.

Cartoon of a man holding a tablet computer. He says, "I'll just hold the screen while our guest pastor delivers the sermon!"
Copyright © 2020 Kevin Spear for Church of God Ministries
church cartoons

Contactless Tithing

Welcome to the wonderful world of contactless tithing! There are things we used to take for granted that has now been complicated by the coronavirus. It has also generated some new phrases like…

  • social distancing
  • flatten the curve
  • contactless giving (also known in churches as contactless tithing)

We are all looking for various ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus. One advantage of the Internet is we can do various tasks without the need to be in contact with anyone. It even makes it possible to tithe without darkening the door of the church building.

Hi-tech Giving

Hi-tech giving in the church has been around for at least five years. I drew a cartoon about five years ago about the awkwardness of giving online when the ushers pass around the offering plate. How can you say, “I already gave,” without being obnoxious? Well, why not have a t-shirt proclaiming your actions?

Of course, with any new technology, some find a way to misuse or abuse it like this cartoon shows:

Strange New World

Just like other businesses and organizations, churches are learning to adapt to new ways of operating. I have to admit, it is very strange to visit a church now and not have an offering plate being sent down each pew.

But I suppose it is just as weird to see the enforced distancing at churches as well as sporting and community events. It’s also an adjustment to see people worshipping with masks on. It’s become that much easier to sing along without knowing the words. Humming while participating has never been so much more attainable!

On the plus side, electronic giving has now come into the mainstream. It has been around for several years, but now it is a lifeline to churches that have congregants watching from home. A paper airplane may have a limited range for contactless tithing, but texting to give, by app, or through a web site are now great ways to keep participating while we wait for this season to pass.

This cartoon was published in the October 2020 CHOGNewsletter.

Cartoon of two men. One is about to catch a paper airplane. He says, "Look! There's another contactless tithe!"
Published in the October 2020 CHOGNews.

Article: California Churches Rally in Wildfire Response

I had the opportunity to interview two pastors about the California Creek Fire in Fresno County and how the churches have rallied together to bring relief efforts in the area. The article appeared on the Church of God News Blog on October 1, 20202. Here’s a link.

The fire began over a month ago. As I write this on October 7, 2020, the fire is still only 49% contained. Thankfully, most of the fire is in sparsely inhabited areas. Largely, this fire is no longer in the national news cycle. It’s no wonder. When I checked The LA Times map of current wildfires, there were twenty-nine active California wildfires. That’s a lot to keep track of!

However, the way the churches rallied in this wildfire response inspired me. Here was a group of people that under normal, prosperous times may have eyed each other as competitors. But as the fire endangered their community, they knew they had more in common than not.

So it can be hard to remain an optimist when things are literally burning around you. But it is so helpful to remain positive and to give help where needed. I loved the outlook Pastor Shawn Beaty displayed.

God uses traumas, trials, and transitions to bring people to him.

Shawn Beaty: Clovis Hills Community Church

Some relief workers had to evacuate. No doubt, relief workers were concerned they could lose their own property. In the early days, the fire was unpredictable and it was a very fluid situation. But the pastors observed the members that were in the best frame of mind were those who were helping others. Instead of despairing, the churches were aiding those who may have been in similar or worse situations.

Sure, we can see the troubles all around us as obstacles worth complaining about. Or like the churches in this article, we can put our resources together and do some good in tough situations.