children's ministry cartoons

How Do You Find a Volunteer?

Cartoon of a man with a chokehold on another. The man says, "I found someone to help me with the fourth graders."

If you serve any time in children’s ministry or a nonprofit, you will inevitably hear someone ask, “How do you find a volunteer?”

I love it when someone finds a new volunteer. You can smell the anxiety as they wonder if the children will eat them alive. Relax! That never happens… at least, it never literally happens.

I remember feeling that anxiety. Today I realize it wasn’t as much about the kids as it was about trying something new. Yes, I felt awkward and unprepared when I began teaching in Sunday school. But today, I see stepping out of my comfort zone was worth it.

Are you afraid of trying something new that will stretch you? Accept the uncomfortable feelings and do it anyway. You’ll be glad you did.

I drew this cartoon for Kidzmatter Magazine.

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Raise Your Hands

Cartoon of two boys in church

Cartoon of two boys at church. One has his hands up. The other says, “We don’t do that at this church. Someone is going to think you’re being robbed.”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Send Help

Cartoon of a man with his hands glued together

Cartoon of a man holding his hands together. He says to a phone, “Send help! I was trying the suggest craft for class and I glued my hands together.”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

church cartoons

Cartoon: Ruffled Feathers

Cartoon of  a man talking to an angry chicken. The man says, "Sorry, Fred. But I thought ALL my sermons ruffled your feathers.

Cartoon of  a man talking to an angry chicken. The man says, “Sorry, Fred. But I thought ALL my sermons ruffled your feathers.

I drew this for the January, 2013 Church of God E-newsletter.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Flying Objects

Cartoon of two boys. a toy block and a ball are in mid air. One boy says, "When the preschoolers learn about David and Goliath, you should look out for flying objects."

Cartoon of two boys. a toy block and a ball are in mid air. One boy says, “When the preschoolers learn about David and Goliath, you should look out for flying objects.”

I drew this for the October, 2012 Church of God E-Newsletter.