Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Health Cartoons School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Good Medicine

Cartoon of a boy on the ground in pain and another boy. One says, “They call it a medicine ball because if you catch it, you’ll need pain killers.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Parenting Cartoons School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Fight or Flight

Cartoon of a boy doing his homework and a mom. The boy says, “I wouldn’t have to do my homework if you’d just let me flee the state.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon holiday School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Luck of the Test Taker

Cartoon of a boy and a leprechaun. The boy says, “Why couldn’t you and your luck show up when it was a test day?”

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

In the Tweet by and by

Cartoon of two men. An older man says, My grandson is on Twitter. Is that a spiritual problem?”

I drew this for the CHOGNews.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Blank Stare

Cartoon of two girls. One has no eyes. The other says, “€œYou REALLY look different without your glasses.”