children's ministry cartoons

Gross Volunteering Cartoon

Sometimes, volunteer workers encounter disgusting situations. I thought about what that would look like if a boy volunteer was hoping for such a situation, but he had no luck. That led to this gross volunteering cartoon.

Gross volunteering cartoon: A boy says, "Our group is cleaning this park. Anything disgusting in this area?"

This cartoon reminds me of two times I volunteered and encountered something gross.

children cartoons

Cartoon: Stuck-up Snowman

Cartoon of two girls and a snowman

Cartoon of two girls walking away from a snowman. One says, “I can’t believe he’s giving me the cold shoulder!”

Those snowmen can be stuck-up, or can they? Maybe they’re a little introverted. Come on, girls! Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s imagining a day on the beach, or perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to survive spring. At any rate, you won’t realize how much you miss him until he’s gone in March.


Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Blank Stare

Cartoon of two girls. One has no eyes. The other says, “€œYou REALLY look different without your glasses.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Hairy Creativity

Cartoon of girl with wild hairCartoon of a girl with wild hair. She says, “I choose to express myself through my hair.”