
Is Dignity Overrated?

Both, my high school and the university I attended have birds for mascots; The Blackhawks, and The Ravens. There were times when I thought it would have been neat to be the person behind the mascot. Then again, being a big bird would have been challenging for anyone’s dignity. Sesame Street’s Big Bird probably didn’t help in the dignity area.

Dignity insurance would be a great thing to have. I could have used that a few times in my life. It probably would have come in handy just the other day. However, I’ve noticed dignity can get in the way of doing something worthwhile and fun. Dignity and pride can keep us from valuing ourselves and our fragile egos over others.

Don’t worry too much about your dignity. Focus more on doing something of value for others and being humane and considerate. Dignity is overrated if it keeps you from doing just that.

Cartoon of a boy in an eagle costume. He says to a girl, "I agreed to be the school mascot if they would pay for my dignity insurance."
Business Business Cartoons

Should There Be Compassion in the Workplace?

For several years, the mantra in business has been that its only responsibility is to maximize shareholder value. It didn’t matter how much resources it used as long as it generated a profit. Milton Friedman was famous for this theory:

There is one and only one responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game.

Milton Friedman

But this frame of thinking can deplete resources if it goes to the extreme.

  • If you treat people like cogs in machinery, they will take no responsibility for quality and excellence.
  • If you deplete natural resources, they become scarce and more expensive.
  • If you are only concerned about the sale and not service, the consumer has no incentive to come back to you.

Short-term profits can end up sacrificing the long-term well being of a company. Compassion for people and the environment gives people incentives to care about you beyond the fast sale.

Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Sermon Notes | The Victim

Sermon sketch notes page 1 on "The Victim" by Steve Southards
Sermon Copyright ©2017 Steve Southards, Salem Church of God. Sketch notes by Kevin Spear

Sermon sketch notes page 2 on "The Victim" by Steve Southards
Sermon Copyright ©2017 Steve Southards, Salem Church of God. Sketch notes by Kevin Spear

Have you ever dealt with someone who plays the victim? Have you ever felt like one? Steve Southards preached on May 21, 2017, about Difficult People: The Victim.

Adobe Photoshop cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon

Cartoon: Earthquakes and Playing Again

Cartoon of a boy at a donation booth. He holds a soccer ball and says, “Take this. I just want the kids to be able to play again.”