Christianity Missions motivation

Lessons From a Mission Trip

Last month, I was privileged to go on a short-term mission trip with my employer, OneHope, to the Dominican Republic. And the good news is I didn’t break the country! Along the way, I learned a few lessons from a mission trip.

I have been on a few mission trips over the years. Whenever I am on a new experience, I keep my eye out for new lessons. Some of them may be new. Others reassure me past lessons are still valid. On this trip, three lessons stood out to me.

Rainy afternoon in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
A rainy afternoon in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Be the Change: Sermon Notes

Sermon sketch notes on "Be the Change," by Richard Triplett
Copyright ©2017. Sermon Copyright Richard Triplett

On Sunday, September 2, 2017, at Salem Church of God, Pastor Richard Triplett preached on how to Be the Change. My sketch notes from the sermon are above.

The sermon was based on the Book of Nehemiah.

The big takeaway I received from the sermon was that in spite of the massive amount of transformation our world has faced in a few short decades, most of us still fear when things begin changing. It takes a certain amount of brokenness to make change possible. The saddest situation may be when we insist on things staying the same even when we admit it is broken.