church cartoons

Cartoon: New Here Santa?

Cartoon of woman talking to Santa Claus. She says, "You're new at our church, aren't you?"

Cartoon of a woman and Santa Claus in a church pew. Woman says, “You’re new at our church, aren’t you?”

It’s December, and you never know where Santa Claus will show up, do you? There is no mistaking his red suit and stocking cap. Let’s face it! Even in December, he has a hard time blending in.

I drew this for the December, 2012 issue of the CHOGnews newsletter.


Stop and Live a Little

Cartoon of a boy and a grandfather. The boy says, "It's a beautiful world, Grandpa. You should try living in it."

Last night, I saw the most beautiful sunset. The sky was ablaze with yellows, oranges and reds. As I was driving along, I thought of all the other cars speeding by. I wondered how many commuters noticed the sunset that was so clear before them.

Life has a way of grinding us down, doesn’t it? I don’t know what you’ve been through. It may be stuff I couldn’t comprehend. But I do know this. There is so much beauty that is going on all around us. Sometimes, it is so obvious, yet the cares of this world keep us from seeing it.

That’s why I love working with kids. They see the world with innocent, awe-filled eyes. If you work around them a while, they’ll point out how beautiful the world is. Kids remind us there is an amazing world to be discovered, whether it is in nature, or the urban landscape.

Life may have thrown you some hard problem. But take the time to see the world that is around you. There is always something to be grateful for. Live it up!


Good Fight or Good Flight

Cartoon of a man fleeing. He thinks, "Can I fight the good fight if I'm running away?"

I hate tension. Maybe that’s why I like cartoons so much. I always loved the way humor can break tension and turn an angry person into a laughing one. More than once, I’ve had to break a serious moment with a joke. Sometimes that works. Sometimes, well, it can backfire! If someone really wants to be angry, they’ll do anything to keep their sour mood.

When tension comes, my tendency is to crack a joke, then run. But is that fighting the good fight? Once in a while, I need to stand and hold my ground. That doesn’t mean I have to be the angry one. Sorry, but I’m still going to crack a few jokes. I have to get a little laugh out of an incident, right?


Framed Masterpiece

Cartoon of a woman holding a picture frame

Woman holds a picture frame and says, “I must be a masterpiece because I feel framed.”

Sometimes we know the truth, that we’re valuable and unique. But there is a difference between what we know in our mind and what we embrace in your heart. We can spout off the truth and still not feel it.

You are valuable and a masterpiece no matter what you’ve gone through or what you’ve been told. Hold on to the truth, and eventually, the feelings will follow!

Illustration Friday

Crooked Heart

Cartoon of a crook in a doctor's office

Cartoon of a crook in a doctor’s office. The caption says, “You have to help me, Doc. I need a transplant for my crooked heart.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. When I heard this week’s word, “crooked,” I thought of Proverbs 11:20. How does one change a crooked heart? With a transplant, of course!

I drew this in Adobe Ideas and Adobe Illustrator.

Here is what the sketch looked like in Adobe Ideas: