
Small Victories

As we begin a new year, we can be tempted to make big, lofty resolutions. But an article from the Good News Network asserts that small victories count.

Too often we like to think that a goal or resolution doesn’t count unless it has some big risk or reward. After all, a big risk can bring a big reward, right? But it can overwhelm us if we think every goal has to be a big, fat hairy one. So find some small victories today.

  • Call a loved one
  • Say something encouraging to someone who needs it
  • Read one encouraging Bible verse
  • Count your blessings
  • Stop to notice something beautiful, like a flower or the sky

Depending on where we are in life, getting up in the morning, and making the bed can be a vital, small victory. We can be so focused on the big goals, that we miss the blessings and small victories that are right in front of us. And small victories accumulate into big victories over time.