“The price of greatness is responsibility.”
Winston Churchill from Brainy Quote
This quote would mean less if Winston Churchill didn’t live it. Here was a guy who stood up to Hitler when the rest of Europe fell. He remained defiant and encouraged a nation when it looked like all hope was lost. He held out until America entered the war. Because he was responsible, Nazi Germany was beaten.
No one has ever become great sitting on a couch, watching TV, and waiting for something to happen. No one has ever become great by looking the other way when challenges come. No one has ever attained greatness by seeing a mess and just assuming someone will take care of it.
If you notice something on a job is wrong, and you just assume a supervisor will take care of it, you have forfeited greatness. If a customer complains the job isn’t right and you blame everyone else who had a hand in it, you have forfeited greatness.
Every day, we have opportunities to be great. It takes courage to be responsible and to rise above the average to the great. We may not encounter a dictatorship. But we may be faced with the choice of speaking up when things aren’t right or relinquishing our chance for greatness.