Marketing motivation

Marketing Doom and Gloom

The concept of haunted houses and trails of terror mystifies me. What is it about humans that we want to seek out danger and fear while avoiding it at the same time? In other words, why is marketing doom and gloom so successful?

The boy in my cartoon assumes the marketing isn’t working for him. He has no interest in something suggesting a bad ending. Yet, experience suggests it’s exactly that kind of marketing that makes the most impact

  • We gravitate towards the news items with disaster footage and crime
  • The headline format that states the story then adds a line like and why this should scare you, gets a lot of clicks
  • We tend to demonize someone who doesn’t agree with us

Personally, I like good news stories. I want something uplifting that challenges the belief that the world is going to pot. The other kind of marketing may get a lot of attention. But thoughtful media and marketing that inspires and motivates us to be better, now that is a challenge that is well worth rising up to!

So my advice is to cast our anxieties aside and to stay away from marketing doom and gloom!

Cartoon of two boys on a trail. a signpost says, "Trail of Doom." A boy says, "If they want me to take it, they should use better marketing."

Who’s Going to Bring Good News?

There is no shortage of good news. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of bad news either and media seems more and more enthusiastic about the latter. I’ve noticed more headlines that have this format: Such and such happened. Here’s why you should be terrified!

It doesn’t take much courage or imagination to find bad news. People will be more than glad to share theirs. The media loves to share the latest tragedy locally, nationally and internationally. It’s not hard to find. And it is easy to find someone that agrees with how bad things are.

It takes much more courage to share the good news… especially to preschoolers!

Cartoon of a coach and teachers

In the last two days, I’ve heard a lot of moaning, bemoaning, and groaning. I’ve heard that things aren’t the way they used to be, not will they ever be again.

It takes a lot to say, “Maybe things aren’t that great, but there is hope and there is faith.” It takes even more courage to say the obstacles and challenges are actually the way to a brighter, better future.

So who is going to bring good news? Do you have the courage to make a positive difference instead of chiming in with the prophets of doom choir?

The bad news is plentiful. Who needs to search for that? The good news is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey. It reminds me of Psalm 119. I think I’ll read up on that and take some good news!

Attitude motivation

How About Some Good News?

There are some days when it seems the best way to stay positive is to shun any news program or alerts and flee to a forest guaranteed to have no cell signal or wifi. I’ve found checking the news in the morning is the worst. Was the world really that bad while I slept? It makes me yearn for some refreshment.

Good news from far away is like cold water to the thirsty.

Proverbs 25:25 NLT

Seek some good news today. If you are in a place where Daylight Saving Time is observed, celebrate you had an extra hour to sleep in this morning. Spend time with someone who is positive and makes you feel alive. Create good news by being generous or doing a kind act for someone.

Too often, we gravitate towards bad news. It generates fear and dread. Seek some good news and be refreshed as you start a new week and month. After all, in the United States, November is a good month to focus on gratitude.


No Longer a Slave to Fear

There was a time I would let fear dictate my actions. If I’m honest, I’d say it was as recently as last night. It’s a constant battle to vanquish all the bad news and doomsayers from my mind. It’s a shame our minds are wired to ignore good news and focus on all the doom and gloom.

But today is a new day. It is full of potential. Nobody really knows what tomorrow will bring. So why not face it with courage? Why not be fearless?

I have to be intentional to do that. If I run by autopilot, If I allow the latest headline to dictate my mood, I can become a slave to fear rather quickly. But that’s not how we would like to live, is it?

Take some time today to find the good. One great resource I recommend is The Good News Network. Read something inspirational, such as The Bible. Be intentional in finding something to be grateful for. We don’t have to be slaves to fear today.