
Candy Just For Being You!

Cartoon of a boy dressed as a jack o lantern and a hairy monster. The boy says, "At least this time of year, you get candy just for being you!"This weekend, kids and monsters will either go “bump” or “burp” in the night. Hairy monsters do not have to fear the manic clippers of the local hair stylist. Children will go from door to door seeking sugary rewards for dressing up like their favorite licensed character.

Monsters will have the added benefit of fitting right in. What better way to play up to your gift set? I hope everyone will have a safe, happy weekend. Even if you’re a monster, be sure to wear light clothing. The reflective vests are even better!

technology cartoons

Frankenphones and Frankenapps

Frankenstein admires his frankenphone and frankenapps

Since it’s October, my thoughts turn to spooky monsters like giant Frankenstein smartphones and vampires like data-sucking and battery-sucking apps. Fear not! This post delves into the frightening world of Frankenphones and Frankenapps.

Beware of the little monsters lurking within your new smartphone. I have seen many phones also bring the zombie curse to their users. Only a spell would explain the crazy obsession with selfies.

So, to paraphrase James Whitcomb Riley’s old poem:  “The smartphone’s gonna getcha if ya don’t watch out!”

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.

cartoon holiday

Halloween and Politics

Cartoon of a man and vampire. A man says, “Wow, Michael! Congress really changed you!”Cartoon of a man and vampire. A man says, “Wow, Michael! Congress really changed you!”

According to a quick Internet search, Lord Acton was the one who originally said, “Power Corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

No matter who you are, the temptation is there to become a little vampire whenever you gain a little power. The more you get, the more the fangs start protruding and you begin fearing the light. Hey! no one is righteous, not even one.

On this Halloween night, be careful out there! Because the politicians will get you if you don’t watch out!

children cartoons

How to tell if it’s time to update your wardrobe

Cartoon of a boy and an older man

Cartoon of a boy and an older man. The boy says, “I need a Halloween costume. Can I look through your closet?”

Coloring Page

Coloring page- Pumpkin and Mouse

Coloring page of a pumpkin and mouse

It’s autumn around here. The leaves are turning and soon the kids will be flocking to apple orchards and pumpkin farms.

Here’s a little coloring page for your classroom or for home. The mouse has a little pumpkin all for himself. But watch out for him. He likes corn too!

Click on the image to download a larger version of this coloring page.