
Uncertain Jack-o’-lantern

Page from my sketchbook. I drew this Jack-o’-lantern in 2001. At the time, our country was going through a lot of scary things and I was struggling through a lot. I was between jobs and my wife and I were just trying to figure out what would happen next.

All the stuff we were going through then seems so trivial then. I don’t know what you’re going through today, but know that everything changes. If you’re going through a rough spot, there is hope. The good old days are only good when we are way ahead of them. Hold on, child. Things are gonna get easier!


The Skeleton Dance

Mark Anderson reminded me on his blog that Disney made a great Halloween clip back in the early days. It’s the Skeleton Dance!

Happy weekend!


Cool Jack

"I don't care if I do have a candle in my mouth. I'm still cold!"

It must be tough to be a jack-o’-lantern. You sit out in the cold for weeks, then some teenager smashes you to smithereens. Why would anyone do it, unless they can’t give up show business?

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon holiday Illustration Friday single panel cartoon webcomic

Ghosts and Gluttony

Cartoon of two trick or treaters. One says, “It must have been a successful Halloween, because I’m spent!”

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “spent.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

A Caffeinated Treat

Cartoon of a woman and a trick or treater. The woman says, “Happy Halloween! Here, have a pumpkin spice latte!”

Several years ago, I took my son trick-or-treating. We came to a home that obviously wasn’t prepared. The lady was giving warm cans of soda pop to the kids. Each child just stared at the can an mumbled a “thank you,” as they tossed it in their treat bags.

Looking back on it, I would have preferred a latte.