This quote by Gustave Flaubert has resonated with me. Writing for discovery has been a great way for me to consider what I believe and what I should act on. But it wasn’t always that way.
My Writing History
I know it doesn’t come easy for everyone. There was a time I didn’t think it came easy for me. I fell into writing some time ago. If you would have asked me when I was a teenager, I would have stated I was an artist and writing was a necessary evil.
It may be because of some less-than-enthusiastic English teachers in high school. Perhaps it was because I thought that writing was for scholars and I just wanted to communicate. I wanted to get a message out. I thought the best way for me was to do it visually. Then some time in college, the words got in the way. Or maybe, they became the way.
I majored in Graphic Design. Between my sophomore and junior years, I considered switching my major to Journalism or English. My advisor warned me it would take another year of school. Of course, he was an artist and may have had ulterior motives. Even so, I stuck with Graphic Design and made a good career of it. Today, I am a Graphics Manager and still enjoy my work.
Morning Pages
Yet, I keep going back to writing. It is the way I process things. My life and mornings changed when I read The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I began to write morning pages. They became my way to keep focused while I prayed. It is a habit I’m so glad I took up a few years ago.
At first, I thought it would be impossible to write three longhand pages for very long. But habits, practice, and persistence have a way of making the seemingly impossible a part of everyday life. I wrote a post in 2012 that explains why this practice is beneficial for me.
Writing for Discovery Today
Today, writing continues to be the way I discover what I believe and how I think about a topic. Tim Ferris called writing thought crystallized. That has been so true for me. How many thoughts go through our minds on a daily basis? How many great thoughts have disappeared throughout time because the thinker didn’t write them down? I don’t know if any of my thoughts can be called “great,” but if they are useful to me, shouldn’t I write them down so that I can review them and act on them? Shouldn’t you?