Career cartoon Christianity

Video: Finding God in the Darkness When I’m Waiting

I was humbled when my pastor asked me to give a testimony about the waiting I have experienced for the last two years. I proposed giving a cartoon testimony. It is a tribute to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, only my version is Diary of a Waiting Guy. 

I recorded myself drawing, then wrote a script for the video. You can see it in the first five minutes of the sermon video.

If you know anything about me, you know faith is a bit part of who I am. It is the reason we left everything we knew in Indiana and moved to Arizona. It is also the reason we moved to the Dayton, Ohio area. It is the reason I hold perseverance as an important value. You cannot start anything new without taking a risk and displaying perseverance.

Pastor Steve Southards did a great job explaining the why’s of a waiting period through the story of Joseph in Genesis. My wife and I are privileged to be serving at Salem Church of God. The last two years have challenged me, but I am glad I made the leap. Taking a risk is much better than doing the same thing and wondering what could have happened if we took a risk.


A Trip Down Hope Lane

Street sign for Hope Lane in Palm Beach Gardens, FloridaOn this morning’s run, I came across this sign. It is the third time I took this route in a week. Yet, I didn’t notice the sign until this morning. 

How many times do we go through situations without realizing hope is right there. Zig Ziglar liked to quote John Maxwell and say, “If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present.” It is true that we need hope in order to keep moving forward. It is a sad person who is trying to trudge forward without noticing hope is before him.

We all need a trip down Hope Lane. None of us really know the future. We can embrace it and acknowledge doomsayers aren’t always right and we can do something today that gives hope to the future.

Inspiration Cartoons

Hope Springs Eternal

Cartoon of two students. A boy says, "Should we abandon all hope, or keep plugging through fourth grade?"At least hope should spring eternal. It’s essential for quality of life. The old saying goes the only things certain are death and taxes. But there are three things that last beyond those certainties: faith, hope and love.


Cartoon: Promising New Year

Cartoon of a guy with a calendar. He says to a woman, "This year looked so promising, until I realized I was looking at last year's calendar."


Cartoon of a guy with a calendar. He says to a woman, “This year looked so promising, until I realized I was looking at last year’s calendar.”

I am ready for a new year, how about you?

School Cartoons

Plugging Hope at School

Cartoon of two students. A boy says, "Should we abandon all hope, or keep plugging through fourth grade?"

Cartoon of two students. A boy says, “Should we abandon all hope, or keep plugging through fourth grade?”

Sometimes, it just feels like hope is a distant goal to grasp, doesn’t it? I remember hoping and praying that school would be over soon. Thirty years later, I can tell you there’s hope. Hold on. You’re break will be here before you know it.