
Happy New Year!

This morning, I woke up to I Hope You Dance running through my head. It is the perfect song for the start of a new year.

May you have a blessed 2022!

I Hope You Dance, by Lee Ann Womack

What Motivates You?

What gets you going each day? Is it the news? Is it a feeling that you have to perform? Maybe you’re motivated because the rent is due. Perhaps it is just money. That can be an issue when you’re asked to volunteer for something! What motivates you?

Some of us may want to make the world a better place. Others are in survival mode and think this world is a lost cause. Some see possibility today. Others fear the new year will just be a repeat of the previous two. After all, we thought 2021 would be better than 2020, right?

How we see the world determines how we act. I have found the following verse to be a better way.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.”

Hebrews 10:24 (NLT) via

If we want the world to change, we can begin in our own sphere of influence.

  • Check on a neighbor today to see how they’re doing
  • Write an encouraging text to a family member or friend
  • Smile even if you have to wear a mask
  • Find the silver-lining in a situation
  • Offer a solution to a problem instead of complaining

What motivates you? We can take responsibility today and end 2021 on a high note. After all, it may help us start 2022 off on the right foot.


Encourage Each Other

How many of us love to go somewhere where we know we will be torn down? Who loves an atmosphere that drips with discouragement and criticism? None of us, I bet. It is far better to be at a place where we encourage each other!

If you’ve read many of my posts, you know I value encouragement and like to give it. To me, it is the key to motivation. None of us like to be criticized. Yet, we all need to learn how to improve. It can be a fine line between being taught how to improve and being torn down. As a result, we must be careful to do more building up than tearing down.

I like to keep this verse in mind:

Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV) via

In the Apostle Paul’s epistles, there were plenty of instances where he had to rebuke and steer a person or church in the right direction. Yet, he also seasoned them with thanksgiving and encouragement. He knew there was always something positive to highlight. We all need to know there is something we are doing right. Otherwise, what’s the point?

So when someone frustrates us, let’s try encouragement. Find at least one thing the person is doing right. Consider how you would feel if all you heard was negative. How can you find something good to highlight along with the factor that needs improvement. A little motivation along with instruction could go a long way!

morning people motivation

Good Morning!… Or Is It?

The other day, I had a busy morning ahead of me. Then again, most mornings are busy! A coworker came into my office and I said, “Good morning!”

The coworker isn’t always the most chipper guy. He replied with a dour, “Is it?”

I smiled and thought of the reasons why it was a good morning. So I replied with, “Yes!” That didn’t convince him. And it’s okay. I have come to the conclusion how we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day. A quote by Marcus Aurelius drove this home to me.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius Via

It is too easy to take for granted that each morning belongs to us. It does not! We are not entitled to one more day on this earth any more than we are entitled to a comfortable, trouble-free life. Each day is a gift. Each breath, thought and loving gesture is a present to enjoy.

Creatives and Mornings

Creative employees can be notorious for making it clear they are not morning people. They shuffle in with a sour look on their face and implore everyone not to talk to them until at least 10:00 AM. The classic battle between night owls and early birds plays out in most offices across the world.

However, I ask you to consider this: what would mornings look like if we began each one with gratitude? What if we consider how blessed we are that we have one more day?

Some days can be a challenge for that frame of thinking. As I write this, it is a rainy Monday. I know the day will begin for me with some hot deadlines and challenges. Yet, I am thankful for one more breath and a day to think, enjoy and love. Today is a good morning!


Keep a Dream Alive!

Dreams are important. They are crucial to change. I was thumbing through my notebooks and found this quote from 2012. I don’t see anywhere online where this Zig Ziglar quote is attributed, but it sounds like something he would say.

The reason the Israelites wandered forty years in the wilderness because they lost their dream.

Zig Ziglar

What a powerful quote! If you don’t know the story of the Israelites’ forty-year detour, it began when twelve spies venture out to assess the land they were about to conquer. Ten came back with a report that the land was fertile, but the occupants were too much to conquer.

Two spies reported with God’s help, they could conquer the land. The people listened to the ten spies with a negative report instead of the two that had faith. As a result, It took another forty years before they could return and conquer the land.

God gave Moses the dream and he cast that dream to the people. They thought they were ready until they faced opposition. As a result, it took forty more years of vision casting before the people were ready.

It reminded me of a dream I had six years ago that ended badly. When that happens, the temptation is to give up, lick my wounds, and coast. But a life without a dream is like being in a barren, dry wilderness. The wrong lesson is to learn to be comfortable in the wilderness

Yes, keep a dream alive!

Keep dreaming! Maybe the last couple of years have been hard on you too. Resist the temptation to just live in comfortable discomfort. If a dream ended badly, consider how that dream can be modified. Or dream a new dream! There is reason to keep hope alive and move forward.