morning people motivation

Good Morning!… Or Is It?

The other day, I had a busy morning ahead of me. Then again, most mornings are busy! A coworker came into my office and I said, “Good morning!”

The coworker isn’t always the most chipper guy. He replied with a dour, “Is it?”

I smiled and thought of the reasons why it was a good morning. So I replied with, “Yes!” That didn’t convince him. And it’s okay. I have come to the conclusion how we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day. A quote by Marcus Aurelius drove this home to me.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius Via

It is too easy to take for granted that each morning belongs to us. It does not! We are not entitled to one more day on this earth any more than we are entitled to a comfortable, trouble-free life. Each day is a gift. Each breath, thought and loving gesture is a present to enjoy.

Creatives and Mornings

Creative employees can be notorious for making it clear they are not morning people. They shuffle in with a sour look on their face and implore everyone not to talk to them until at least 10:00 AM. The classic battle between night owls and early birds plays out in most offices across the world.

However, I ask you to consider this: what would mornings look like if we began each one with gratitude? What if we consider how blessed we are that we have one more day?

Some days can be a challenge for that frame of thinking. As I write this, it is a rainy Monday. I know the day will begin for me with some hot deadlines and challenges. Yet, I am thankful for one more breath and a day to think, enjoy and love. Today is a good morning!