Business motivation

The cure for sudden Incompetence

Peter Drucker asserted that people encounter sudden incompetence when they believe in a new role; they can continue doing what made them successful in the old role. This YouTube video summarizes his thoughts and the cure for sudden incompetence.

Making mistakes isn’t fun, but it’s necessary. What happens when mistakes occur and a person doesn’t learn but stubbornly does the same thing again?

At what point does someone become unteachable? That is when sudden incompetence occurs; a person in a new role keeps doing the things that gave them success before, but they no longer work. Yet, they refuse to learn and adjust to their new role.

The cure for sudden incompetence is to be humble enough to remain teachable regardless of experience or past successes. Be humble enough to remain a lifelong learner.

Business Quotes

Bigger Isn’t Always Better

We see annoying billboards touting that size matters. Various businesses try to convince us that only a massive dinosaur of a company can provide the service or product we deserve. They will have us assume that bigger firms are always better.

It’s the measure of success. We admire industry titans like John D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. The size of the companies they founded is almost as important as the profits they produced.

But anyone who has ever tried to contact a live person at a massive, unresponsive business or organization knows that isn’t the case. At the beginning of The Essential Drucker, Peter Drucker asks us to consider that bigger isn’t always better.

Bigger isn't always better: a quote by Peter Drucker: "It is not necessary of a business to grow bigger; but it is necessary that it constantly grow better." from "The Essential Drucker: The best of Sixty years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management