
Why students hate the balanced calendar

Cartoon of two boys waiting at a bus stop. One is wearing swim trunks, a backpack and flip-flops. He says, "If they're going to make me go to school in the summer, I'm going to dress like it's still summer." Cartoon of two boys waiting at a bus stop. One is wearing swim trunks, a backpack and flip-flops. He says, “If they’re going to make me go to school in the summer, I’m going to dress like it’s still summer.”

Once upon a time in Indiana, kids didn’t go back to school until after the Labor Day weekend. But today, as of August 1, 2013, some school systems are already in session.

I don’t know if the “balanced calendar” will help students raise their grades. But I do know for many, it has sure raised their ire!


Trouble on the Ceiling

Cartoon of a boy on a ceiling

Cartoon of one boy staring at another boy who is upside down. The boy on the ceiling says, “Today in class, I got in trouble for doing this.”

Kids can get in trouble for the most interesting things. There have been times when outwardly I’ve said, “Stop that!” but inwardly, I was thinking, “That’s amazing! I would’ve never thought of that!” Kudos to kids and their creativity!


How to get everyone moving

Cartoon of a boy in class. He is pointing to a graph

Cartoon of a boy in front of a class. He says, “As you can see from this chart, it’s time for recess.”

children cartoons webcomic

Get in line, Bully

Cartoon of a boy being bullied

Cartoon of a boy and a bully. The boy says, “You want to bully me too? Get in line! I have three other bullies before you.”

As a child, I learned bullies aren’t creative. If one discovers you’re ripe for being picked on, others will catch on. Even in a small town with a small school, this became obvious.

My coping skill was to draw a cartoon that would amuse a bully. It usually worked, and sometimes made a friend. Unfortunately, I also learned you should never draw an unflattering cartoon of the bully you’re drawing a cartoon for. That was my first lesson in marketing.

I drew this for K! Magazine.

children cartoons

Postponed for Lack of Interest?

Boy asking why can't school be postponed?
Cartoon of a boy asking, “Why don’t they ever call off school for lack of interest?”

I’ve been there, haven’t you? You may even like work or school, but sometimes, mornings sap the motivation right out of you! How dow you get motivated when everything within you says, “Can’t we just call it a day?”