Cartoon of girl and angry boy. The girl says, “Well, I’m glad we had this chat.”
Tag: self-control
Cartoon of two boys playing. One says, “How do they expect me to go the extra mile when I’m not old enough to drive?
It can be tough to go the extra mile, especially when the highway is plugged up. But it’s worth it to go that extra distance. That must be why I’m posting a cartoon on Saturday. It’s an extra blog post on the Information Superhighway.
I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2
Angry Cat
Temptation Island
Caption reads: Three days earlier, Gary asked God to eliminate from his life all temptation.
I need this island whenever I’m near a refrigerator or a bowl of chips and salsa. You can’t eat just one. You can eat the whole bowl before you realize it. Lord, deliver me from temptation… right after I’m done with this ice cream.