Cartoon of two boys. One is in his house. He says, “Go on without me. I came home late and received a five dollar fine and a two-game suspension.”
When I heard Illustration Friday’s word was “ferocious,” I spotted this sketch in my sketchbook. Basketball is king in Indiana and if things aren’t going well, the coach can get quite ferocious. It they get worse, the fans get ferocious and the poor coach begins to fear for his life!
Cartoon of two racers. One of them is wearing motor racing gear. The other says, “I get the feeling one of us is wearing the wrong racing gear.”
I’ve ran twice in the Indianapolis 500 Mini-Marathon. One of the highlights is you get to run around the Indianapolis Speedway. It’s amazing to know you’re running on the same track where race cars go over 200 miles per hour. So I’ve thought of this idea more than once as I’ve been jogging around the 2 1/2 mile oval.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “racing.”