children's ministry cartoons

Are you in another tweet war?

Cartoon of an angry woman on a smart phone
Copyright 2014: Speartoons, Inc.

Cartoon of a man observing an angry woman on a smart phone. The man says, “Are you in another tweet war with the cross-town church about who will have the better kick-off?”

I drew this for Kidzmatter Magazine.


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children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Gift of Silliness

Cartoon of teacher in silly clothes

Cartoon of guy in a silly hat. He says, “Apparently, my spiritual gift is being silly with the toddlers.”

One thing I love about teaching kids is I get to act silly in church. There’s something wonderfully whimsical about waltzing down the hallway, past the seniors’ Sunday school class, with an umbrella hat and maracas. The smirks and grimaces are well worth the effort.

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: on Youtube

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, "You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It's already posted on Youtube!"

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, “You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It’s already posted on Youtube!”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Flying Objects

Cartoon of two boys. a toy block and a ball are in mid air. One boy says, "When the preschoolers learn about David and Goliath, you should look out for flying objects."

Cartoon of two boys. a toy block and a ball are in mid air. One boy says, “When the preschoolers learn about David and Goliath, you should look out for flying objects.”

I drew this for the October, 2012 Church of God E-Newsletter.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: Meaningful Craft

Cartoon of two teachers. One holds a box of craft materials. Another holds a stopwatch. She says,“Okay! You have some petroleum jelly, popsicle sticks and several TP rolls. You have ten seconds to make a spiritually meaningful craft. GO!”

Cartoon of two teachers. One holds a box of craft materials. Another holds a stopwatch. She says,“Okay! You have some petroleum jelly, popsicle sticks and several TP rolls. You have ten seconds to make a spiritually meaningful craft. GO!”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.