Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Let Your Fingers Do the Painting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a mobile phone while another holds a finger painting

Cartoon of two boys. One has a mobile phone while another holds a finger painting. The boy with the phone says, “That’s a great finger painting. I’m uploading it to Twitter!”

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon Illustration Friday single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Fumbling Ahead in Technology

Cartoon of befuddled dad and a son.

Cartoon of befuddled dad and a son. The son says, “Let me translate that for you. I speak text.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Computing in the clouds

Cartoon of two angels with computers

Cartoon of two angels in clouds. One angel says, “I’m glad they introduced cloud computing up here.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Going Viral

Cartoon of a doctor and patient with video window

Cartoon of a doctor and patient. The doctor says, “You’ve come down with a viral video.”

Adobe Illustrator Bible technology cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Moses’ Newsletter

Cartoon of Moses and the Ten Commandments with office worker

Cartoon of a Bible story office worker and Moses with the Ten Commandments. Moses says, “I want you to scan these and put them in the next newsletter.”