children cartoons Internet

Grandparents and wi-fi

Cartoon of two boys. One says, "My grandparents are so old fashion. They don't even have wifi!"
©2015 Kevin Spear #4030

It’s getting to the point where grandchildren consider grandparents without wi-fi in the same categories as those with rotary phones, black and white TV and horseless carriages.

Wireless internet is ubiquitous. And no, my kids do not have to do without wi-fi when they go to their grandparents. What seemed like an out-of-reach luxury a decade ago is common. 

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

I Gave Online t-shirt

cartoon of a guy in church. An offering plate is being handed to him. The guy has a t-shirt that says,
© 2015 Kevin Spear

It’s fun when tradition collides with technology! For a few months, I’ve been using my bank’s web payment to pay my tithes and offerings. Why not? I’ve paid all my other bills that way for years. I didn’t expect the feeling of guilt when the offering plate came around even when I knew perfectly well I was giving.

So how do you combat that feeling when someone gives online? You can’t put your smart phone in the offering plate. Printing out a receipt seems tacky. If you wave it off and say, “I gave online,” you’re only calling attention to yourself and sound pretentious. Oh, the dilemmas!

A t-shirt would solve all the awkward exchanges. All the church has to do is pass them out in the back before the service. You can make them big enough to fit over any outfit. And if you decorate your church for the season, you can make them match colors for Lent and Advent!

I drew this cartoon for the July CHOGNews.



Talk or Text?

©2013 Speartoons, Inc

Cartoon of a couple on smart phones. The guy says, “What am I supposed to do with your text that says, ‘We don’t talk anymore?'”

I’m not a guy that is against smart phones and texting. I love both and use them daily. However, I realize it just isn’t the same as face to face conversation. There are some conversations that simply shouldn’t be carried out with a text. For instance, you shouldn’t break up with someone over a text. Marriage proposals are equally inappropriate. And if you need to fire an employee, I’m guessing a text isn’t the way to go.

Before you send out a text, consider if this is the appropriate way to communicate your message. We have so many options today, thanks to technology. No one method fits every need. Use discernment when considering how to communicate something

books webcomic

Why have a book without pictures?

Cartoon of a boy with a book and some popcorn. He says, A book without pictures is like popcorn without salt.

What can I say? Pictures make a book more interesting. And I bet you agree with me too. It’s sad that society reasons you must have nothing but text on a page. Don’t get me wrong. Book design is an art unto itself and takes a lot of work to make it look perfect. But still, books without pictures have always looked boring and inaccessible.


What really needs to be invented

Cartoon of a man introducing a robot
Cartoon of a man woman and a robot. The man says to the woman, “This is R-521, and he’s programmed to change diapers!”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.