Teen Cartoons

Driving is Like Falling off a Bike

Cartoon of two young men in a car. The driver says, “Relax! How hard can it be to drive? This car doesn’t have near as many gears as a ten speed bike! ”It was a rude awakening when I discovered driving a cart was a bit more challenging than my trusty bike. On the plus side, I didn’t have to fall out of the car to learn. On the minus side, I nearly gave my driving instructor a heart attack when we ended up in a ditch. It didn’t help much that the instructor was a classmate of my dad. They had a great time chatting up and commenting on my driving expertise. 

So a word of advice to new drivers: the number of gears does not correlate to the difficulty of the vehicle.

animal cartoons

Dogma and Catechisms

Cartoon of a dog-faced person talking to a manDisclaimer: our family has a cat AND a dog. Are we cat or dog people? We’re animal people. Well, we’re not reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects or spider people. We’re mammal people. Well, we don’t have any other mammals but a cat and a dog. We had a gerbil and a hamster once. But they didn’t agree with the cat. It was a traumatic experience. 

In other words, I think if dogs go to heaven, cats will too. Cat haters will have to figure out how to get along with all God’s creatures. I’m just praying flies and mosquitoes will not make an appearance there.

children's ministry cartoons Easter holiday Kidzmatter Magazine Magazine

West Palm, Spring Break, and Palm Sunday

Cartoon of two children with palm branches
Last month, I got to spend spring break in Florida with my wife and daughter. Each time I’ve gone down for spring break, palm branches would be on my mind. For a kid from Indiana, they are exotic. But in Florida, they are as common as Indiana maple leaves. 

When something is common to us, it loses its meaning. To the disciples, that Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem could have been just another amazing day with their teacher. They had three years of amazing days. It may have felt common. But soon, they would realize how amazing that event was. In less than a week, the crowd would turn on the one they praised with “Hosannas.”

I drew this in 2010 for Kidzmatter Magazine

Business Cartoons children cartoons webcomic

No daylight savings here

Cartoon of a girl at a bank talking to a teller

“I’d like to make a withdrawal on all I saved practicing Daylight Saving Time.”

Fairy Tale Cartoons webcomic

Love is so strange, even in Oz

Copyright ©2014 Kevin Spear
Copyright ©2014 Kevin Spear

Cartoon of two women and a scarecrow. One woman says, “We met at a gardening convention.”