
How to Increase Your Prayer Life

Summer is coming and kids will soon be out of school for the summer. I remember the times when parents and kids had to adjust to the new normal. That inspired this How to Increase Your Prayer Life cartoon.

How to increase your prayer life Cartoon: A mom says, "My prayer life is so much stronger since the kids got out of school!"

There is nothing like a crisis to increase our prayer lives. It can be a minor, annoying crisis like boisterous kids that are trying to entertain themselves. Or we can experience major crises that bring us to our knees. Both types of situations make us reconsider increasing our quiet time.

cartoon Women Cartoons

Black Friday Anxiety

Cartoon of two women walking. One woman says, “Have you ever tried not to covet when you’re a the mall? It gave me an anxiety attack.”

It’s Black Friday in the United States. It’s the biggest shopping day of the year. I will once again, make a vow to stay away from the mess. My wife had me got out on Black Friday once. She saw an ad for a TV. The problem was the store opened at six in the morning and she told me this at ten. When I arrived at the store, it looked like the aftermath of war. A store clerk laughed at me when I asked they had any more of the TV sets. I’m never going out there on that day again!