
Be careful at those Black Friday Sales!

Cartoon of a man and a woman in a jail. The woman has prison garb. The man says,


Shopping Convenience

Cartoon of people waiting in line. One man says, "I don't normally expect long, Christmas-shopping lines at a convenience store."

Cartoon of people waiting in line. One man says, “I don’t normally expect long, Christmas-shopping lines at a convenience store.”


Shopping Sense

Cartoon of a man with gifts and a woman. The woman says, “I can feel it in my bones. There’s another fabulous sale going on in this mall! And it’€™s… THAT WAY!”

cartoon Women Cartoons

Black Friday Anxiety

Cartoon of two women walking. One woman says, “Have you ever tried not to covet when you’re a the mall? It gave me an anxiety attack.”

It’s Black Friday in the United States. It’s the biggest shopping day of the year. I will once again, make a vow to stay away from the mess. My wife had me got out on Black Friday once. She saw an ad for a TV. The problem was the store opened at six in the morning and she told me this at ten. When I arrived at the store, it looked like the aftermath of war. A store clerk laughed at me when I asked they had any more of the TV sets. I’m never going out there on that day again!