
Observations From Blogging Every Day for a Month

Last month, I decided to see what would happen if I committed to posting a blog every day. I have enjoyed reading Seth Godin’s blog over the years and was impressed with how he has kept up a daily blog for years.

Now that I’ve reached one month of daily blogging, this is what I have observed:

  • Once you get started, writing consistently at the same time every day is easier than writing in spurts.
    • I should have known this! It’s the same deal with physical exercise!
  • Creativity fuels more creativity.
  • Using a content calendar really works.
    • It works as an idea generator.
    • It beats a blank page.
    • It empowers you when you have two weeks of ideas laid out.
  • It has given me a way to revisit my old cartoons and illustrations.
  • I find I am writing just as much for myself as opposed to someone else.
  • It is better to write short posts regularly than to post a larger post occasionally.
  • Releasing a minimally viable product applies to blog posts too.
    • It doesn’t have to be perfect.
    • To have an impact, it needs to get out the door.

I am enjoying this project. We’ll see how far it goes. Thank you for participating by reading my posts!

Creative Writing webcomic writing

The Secret Guardian of the Front Porch

Cartoon of a man in a porch swing

Cartoon of a middle-age man sitting in a porch swing. He says to a woman, “Care to join me? I’m part of a secret group known as, ‘The Guardians of the Front Porch.'”

Frank had a crush on Edna for a lo-o-o-o-ong time! His adoration for her went all the way to the fourth grade. She was always with her friends on the playground. He would try to get her attention by pretending he didn’t notice her. Unfortunately, that worked too well. Edna didn’t notice Frank until eighth grade.

By that time, Frank was quite sensitive about his acne. He had one pimple that refused to leave until senior high. When they were both juniors, Frank almost asked Edna to the prom. Unfortunately, Percy, “The Rock,” Marbel also had the same idea.

Edna and Percy dated until they both split for college. Frank stayed home after graduation and worked at the local cardboard box factory. The one time Edna returned from college, Frank decided this was the day to meet up with her. Unfortunately, he was boxed in a tragic taping accident and shipped to Des Moines.

Thirty years later, Frank was fully recovered from the unfortunate boxing match. As he sat on his mother’s front porch, he spotted Edna walking downy he street. His lip quivered as he thought what would be the wittiest thing to say. He had just seen a television special on secret societies. What could be wittier than that? He called for Edna. She turned and smiled. She walked up to the porch. Now was Frank’s big chance…

This was part of the Write practice writing prompt entitled, “What is your Character’s Secret?


Picture Book


That’s right. I’m taking the plunge. November is Picture Book Idea Month. You can participate too by going to

Look for the ideas to show up on my blog. We’ll see if I do one each day or have a few bunched up on a day. You know, it’s the ebb and flow thing!