
Is it a Book?

I read an interesting blog entitled, “I Declare the War is Over: We need a new word for the things we used to call books.” The premise is we are in an era where the traditional book doesn’t adequately describe the many ways we package book content.

The article complemented the Pew research study that says e-reader and tablet ownership nearly doubled over the holiday season.

This threatens many people within publishing. But should it? All these readers still need content. Without something to read or view, e-readers are useless. Authors and publishers need to come to grips with the fact we are in the content business, not the product business.

I’ve come to realize we’ve fooled ourselves over the millennia. Publishers claimed it was all about the content, but the profit came in the physical book. We claimed the ideas within the books were important, but we were really selling the pages and cover.

Now that we’ve entered a new age, the ideas within the “book” really will matter. Let’s start selling worthy content, and not worry about what form it could take. Leave that to the consumers.

The businesses that the most to lose are the printers, not the publishers. Heaven help them!


All This and a Bag of Chips

Cartoon of a dad eating potato chips. He says to his son, "Hey, Son. I'd like to talk to you about self control right after I finish this bag of chips."

Cartoon of a dad eating potato chips. He says to his son, “Hey, Son. I’d like to talk to you about self control right after I finish this bag of chips.”

This cartoon appeared in the January, 2012 issue of the Church of God newsletter.

Self-control is something that’s been on my mind lately. We live in a world where everyone seems to have at least a little attention deficit disorder. There are so many things vying for our attention, that it is difficult to keep our eyes on one thing.

Yet, if you want to be successful at something, I realize I need to focus on one thing and do it well. It’s easier said than done when you like to draw, design and write. That’s why I’ve loved cartoons. It takes a little of all three to produce a comic. You have to be a jack of all trades to make it work. But when you have different talents, and you use them all, can you ever be a master of one?

The hard thing about discipline is I have to make some choices and toss other things out. At the same time, I won’t compromise on important things like my faith, family or health. Discipline doesn’t really work if I am not taking care of my mind, body or spirit.

So is there such a thing as a balanced, disciplined life? Who knows? All I know is when someone passes around a bag of chips, I am the first one plunge my hand in and stuff my face!


Jane Friedman: Best Advice for Writers 2011

I came across this link this morning thanks to author/illustrator Katie Davis.

Jane Friedman is a prolific blog writer, author and professor.


Book Review

2012 Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market

I got this book over the weekend. I was excited when I saw it on a book shelf. It means the new year can start, even if it is two months early.

I noticed this year’s edition has more articles for the beginners in the front of the book. The markets are changing rapidly and this is addressed in the beginning pages. I was disappointed to see the articles cover the writing end of the market, but don’t address the needs of the illustrators. I would like to see more coverage on how to make it as an illustrator as well as a writer.

Fortunately, there is plenty of information for illustrators within the publisher’s entries.

You can click on the image to order a copy through Happy submitting, everyone!

Picture Book


That’s right. I’m taking the plunge. November is Picture Book Idea Month. You can participate too by going to

Look for the ideas to show up on my blog. We’ll see if I do one each day or have a few bunched up on a day. You know, it’s the ebb and flow thing!