Bible discipline Psalm

How to Watch those Words and Thoughts

It can be difficult to have a good attitude when things just aren’t going according to our plans. That’s why how to watch your words and thoughts is so important!

We want things our own way. We think we have things all figured out and if everyone got on the same plan (our plan), life would be so much better.

But life never goes according to our plans, because we have nearly eight billion other individuals with their own ideas of how things should be. Some of their plans are as legitimate as ours. Some of them are evil (and yes, you’ll have disagreements about what is and isn’t evil). Some may have nice, if not naïve plans. And yes, some have plans to survive what we may find unimaginable.

discipline motivation

Self-Discipline is Hard!

I won’t lie to you. self-discipline is hard! It is especially tough when you are starting out and haven’t established a habit yet. Just why is it so difficult?

I am one of those guys that like to run. I’ve developed the habit for over twenty years, so I do have to remember when it was a challenge in the beginning. Still, when it gets cold and the wind is relentless, I don’t want to get out there either.

The other day, I had to bundle up to get out the door. It was Thanksgiving morning. I could have stayed in bed. My wife commented how crazy it was to get out there. I couldn’t argue with her. After all, in the short term, it didn’t make any sense to face the discomfort and go run.

In the short term, self-discipline makes no sense. But this verse has motivated me more than once over the years.

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.

Hebrews 12:11 (NLT) via

Self-discipline is hard because we are drawn to comfort. Everything in the media caters to our belief that we shouldn’t have to do anything that isn’t fun and self-indulgent. Therefore, most of us look to the short-term pain and can’t see beyond the long-term harvest.

It seems like self-discipline is nothing but grief and pain when we are starting out. After all, any change we make faces resistance. However, I am here to tell you that if we hold out and do the hard work, we can reap a harvest in the long term. If you are starting a new self-discipline habit, Hold on! It is worth it!

books Christianity discipline

Why We All Need Some Silence

Yesterday was a big day for me. I turned off the phone and I was in silence for most of it. At my wife’s suggestion, I read a book entitled, Invitation to Solitude and Silence, by Ruth Haley Barton.

I know! It was crazy. But what I feared the most actually was one of the richest days I’ve had in a long time.

It came after a busy couple of days. My wife is out of town. I went down to Florida to help him drive his car back to Indiana. And I know work will busy this morning after being out for a day.

I realize silence is a luxury these days. Our television, phones and life’s demands make it almost impossible to find some time for reflection. Yet it is so needed. We all need it.

We all need some time to meditate. We all need some time to consider where we’ve been, where we are and where we are heading. Since I am a Christian, it is even valuable for me to hear the still, small voice of God. 

So this morning, it is back to the workweek. I know I will have plenty to do, as I am sure all of you will too. Through it all, I encourage you to take some time to be silent. Even if it is five minutes during the day, It will do your soul some good.

Cartoon of a boy with a teacher. The boy says, "Recess was okay, but I need a moment of quiet reflection."
discipline motivation

Willpower as an Emotion

Guy on desert island: Three days earlier, Gary asked God to eliminate from his life all temptation.

The other day, I read an excellent article from on what we get wrong about willpower. In it, Nir Eyal debunks the ego-depletion theory. We’ve all heard and believed that willpower is a limited resource. He explains why this is not a good idea.

Holding on to the idea that willpower is a limited resource can actually be bad for you, making you more likely to lose control and act against your better judgment.

What You’re Getting Wrong About Willpower @

If we believe we will sooner or later run out of willpower, we set ourselves up for failure. There are times when I’ve actually looked forward to the time I would run out of the will to resist a dessert temptation. When I’m at that point, I might as well help myself to a second or third cheesecake, right?

Wrong! The article cites research that shows willpower ebbs and flows more like an emotion instead of fatigue. Sure, we let our emotions get raw when we’re tired. But that doesn’t mean we can’t manage our emotions and make a wise choice when necessary.

I don’t have to exile myself to a desert island in order to stay away from desserts. We have more power to eliminate bad habits and introduce new ones than we give ourselves credit for.

The article is based on Eyal’s book, Indistractible. I’m going to check it out!


All This and a Bag of Chips

Cartoon of a dad eating potato chips. He says to his son, "Hey, Son. I'd like to talk to you about self control right after I finish this bag of chips."

Cartoon of a dad eating potato chips. He says to his son, “Hey, Son. I’d like to talk to you about self control right after I finish this bag of chips.”

This cartoon appeared in the January, 2012 issue of the Church of God newsletter.

Self-control is something that’s been on my mind lately. We live in a world where everyone seems to have at least a little attention deficit disorder. There are so many things vying for our attention, that it is difficult to keep our eyes on one thing.

Yet, if you want to be successful at something, I realize I need to focus on one thing and do it well. It’s easier said than done when you like to draw, design and write. That’s why I’ve loved cartoons. It takes a little of all three to produce a comic. You have to be a jack of all trades to make it work. But when you have different talents, and you use them all, can you ever be a master of one?

The hard thing about discipline is I have to make some choices and toss other things out. At the same time, I won’t compromise on important things like my faith, family or health. Discipline doesn’t really work if I am not taking care of my mind, body or spirit.

So is there such a thing as a balanced, disciplined life? Who knows? All I know is when someone passes around a bag of chips, I am the first one plunge my hand in and stuff my face!