cartoon School Cartoons

Love and Respect Prayer

When it comes to students, nothing inspires a love and respect prayer like a hard test! This cartoon was inspired by one of my classes.

Cartoon of a student praying. She says, "Dear God, I love and respect you. I'll love and respect you even more if you get me through this test!"

It reminds me of the quip, “As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.” That quote has been around at least since 1964 when the US Supreme Court ruled in Engel vs Vitale that organized prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.

Yes, I’ve had a few tests like that. It’s amazing how our priorities change when we come upon a test, isn’t it? Tests and promises seem to go hand in hand!

cartoon gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon technology cartoons

Call from Mom

It’s a good thing I didn’t have a cell phone in school. Would I have received a call from Mom? Probably not. But I most likely would have been calling for a lifeline every few minutes.

Cartoon of a boy and a teacher. The boy says, "I'll answer that in a second. But first, let me take this call from Mom."

Today, can you really trust if it’s your mom calling you? Scammers can mask any number and make it appears it is coming from your loved one. If your mother is calling to ask for your social security number, it’s probably a good sign that the person on the other line is a scammer. The deep, bass voice may be a giveaway too.

children cartoons Safety Cartoons School Cartoons webcomic

Safety is the Best Policy

When I first drew this cartoon, I was concerned mainly with safety in children’s ministry. I had no idea a few years later I would be managing at a printing facility. Since then, I have truly learned safety is the best policy.

Cartoon of a boy with a cast and a teacher

Safety at Work

Before then, I didn’t think too much about workplace safety. I had been in office settings. When I visited warehouses and printing facilities, I let the host worry about safety. I see now how foolish that was. For there are hazards even in an office environment.

CHOG News School Cartoons

Prayer and Going Back to School

Cartoon of a mom and son. The disgruntled son says,

It can be tough to have faith that can move mountains when you have to go back to school. I probably prayed a prayer similar to the boy’s prayer in this cartoon when I was in elementary school.

School was stressful for me. I never knew if my pencil was really a Number Two Pencil. If I wasn’t so nervous, I may have had the wits to actually check the inscription on the pencil. I should’ve realized almost all school pencils are number two pencils. If I just got that through my head, maybe school wouldn’t have been so stressful. Then again, maybe I should have just prayed about my stress!

I drew this for the Church of God Newsletter.

School Cartoons webcomic

Why no one likes standardized tests

But Misses Kriegel! Why can't we have more standardized tests?

Teachers hate giving them. Students hate taking them. Parents hate seeing their kids endure them. Who likes standardized tests besides politicians and the makers of these tests?

You finally see some politicians take up the cause of less testing. But some fear the pressure has already done too much damage to students, parents and schools.

Whether standardized tests are good or not, there was never any good campaign to promote standardized tests with the public. The marketing was poor or nonexistent. It was merely seen as a measuring stick by which all schools should be measured. The problem is, if all a school has time to do is measure whether the kids are learning, there is never any time for teaching… or at least the kind of teaching that makes kids fall in love with lifetime learning.