Originally uploaded by speartoons
Illustration Friday’s word for this week is “blanket,” It reminded me of when my kids were little. My son would entertain his baby sister with a blanket and a game of peek a boo.
I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.
Originally uploaded by speartoons
Illustration Friday’s word for this week is “blanket,” It reminded me of when my kids were little. My son would entertain his baby sister with a blanket and a game of peek a boo.
The theme for Illustration Friday this week is “Tales and Legends.” I took liberty with “tales” and, well, I made it “Legends and tails.”
In the USA, there are tales and legends about who will win Florida’s Republican Primary.
The symbol for the Republicans is the elephant. Has the elephant forgotten who to vote for or can he decide? Either way, it should be fun to watch tonight.
Here’s a page right out of my sketchbook. Now you see how this strange mind of mine works.
Kevin Spear
This morning, I was thinking about new year’s resolutions and the frivolity that goes with new year celebrations. It doesn’t take too much for reality to set in.
It take a little work to rejoice after the new year joy.
How’s your new year resolutions going?
Serenading-Cat, originally uploaded by speartoons.
Sometimes you have to let your music out–even if it’s in the middle of the night. Too bad your neighbors never totally agree with your timing.