Insert commentary on how young kids are using technology or something about the baby bells!
Cell phone companies are going after pre-schoolers now. Can the infant market be far behind?
I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.
Here’s an illustration for “The Last Supper.” You are looking for five things that are different in the two pictures.
The is from “My Very Own Bulletin,” and is available from Warner Press.
I am working on children’s bulletins right now. This is an activity I just finished for the story of Nehemiah.
This part talks about the people rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The activity asks you to count the number of spears and bricks in the picture.
Counting “Kevin Spear” as one of the spears doesn’t count!
You can get the “My Very Own Bulletin” from Warner Press.