“Don’t complain about school lunches. Their punishment is just more of the same.”
Cartoon of two boys in a school cafeteria. This cartoon may not be factual. All I know is it seemed to happen to me.
Schoolboy coming out of rain to dad, “It’s cold, rainy and yech out there… a perfect day to be in school.”
The weather inspired me today. It’s just a good day to stay inside!
Cartoon. Boy with bandage over dollar to dad, “Now that I fixed the economy, can we talk about something else?”
On this cartoon, I experimented with no line work and just shading for the figures.
All my cartoons are available for purchase and use in print, and electronic use.
Cartoon-Dad says to son at personal computer, “I’m sorry I got gruff with you. Now please reestablish my Internet account.”
This is a sketch right out of my book. I had to add the type so it would be readable. Those camera phones aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but at least you can see the drawing.
Cartoon: One dog to another, “I feel called to be a missionary to cats.”