Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Intricate

Spear Cartoon_3479

This cartoon was inspired by Illustration Friday’s word for the week, “Intricate.”

Boy says to stained glass girl, “The problem with you girls is you’re all so intricate.”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon

Disgruntled Devil

Disgruntled Devil

A devil contemplates his life… or death… or whatever entity it is.

It began as a doodle over a Tuesday morning meeting. I drew the finished file in Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Time

Illustration Friday: Time, originally uploaded by speartoons.

This poor worm is thinking his time is up!

I drew this illustration in Adobe Illustrator. The wig for the bird cost extra, but was worth it.


Roy Delgado Blog: Things maybe you’d like to know

Great Post from Roy Delgado this morning. Cartooning is definitely a business you do because you love it: pure and simple.

Roy Delgado Blog: Things maybe you'd like to know

Adobe Illustrator cartoon

Deer to Door

Deer to Door

Cartoon of deer to man: “Good evening, Sir. Did you know crashes are on the rise?”

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3.